Friday, February 8, 2008


I was thinking, it’s a good thing I didn’t have to get any more beta tests because I would drive myself crazy analyzing the “doubling” and numbers. BUT, I now have nothing to do but wait until the u/s. I haven’t had anything to do this week and I’ve been fine because work has been so busy by the time I get home I’ve been eating and going to bed. But then today, today I started freaking out think “why are my boobs no longer tender, why don’t I have cramps, WHY don’t I feel pregnant”. I almost stopped and bought a HPT on the way home, but then I thought that was just crazy seeing I can’t do anything until the u/s on Thursday. Holy crap, and I thought the 2ww was bad on me, I feel just as crazy right now.

In other news – I DID it! I shot myself right in the rump tonight. Makes me kind of laugh at the big deal I’ve been making about it.

Also, I’m feeling really sad for all the bad news going around. The BFNs and other devastating events. It makes me feel really bad for everyone, and I just don’t think it’s fair. It’s bad enough that people have to go through fertility treatments, for things not to work is just devastating. My heart goes out to everyone right now struggling with their bad news.


Denise said...

Congrats on your self stabbing! You are braver than I am. If I were you, I think I'd be taking an hpt every morning. Who me, paranoid?

jp said...

Congrats on shooting yourself up!! I told you it wasn't too bad.
Thanks for stopping by and for your good thoughts!
I am thinking good thing for your upcoming u/s (you are 100% right, each step is just about waiting, and boy, the "waiting" is the hardest part, no matter when it comes.

Rebecca said...

Congrats on independently shooting easy feat. I agree with you about everyone else's bad news...I don't know how they're making it through.

~Carrie said...

Congrats on the rump stabbing! For some reason it just hit me yesterday that I will have to do the same thing this week while DH is away on business!

Wouldn't it be nice to be like so many other pregnant women who don't worry about doubling betas, early ultrasounds, etc.
I think it's cool that your u/s is on Valentine's Day! :)

Maria said...

YAY for stabbing yourself. You are extremely brave!!

Thanks so much for your sweet comment.