Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I’m having a problem – next Sunday I leave for a conference for work and DH leaves for a conference for his work so that means I’m on my own from Sun – Thurs to give myself my PIO shot. Has anyone ever given themselves one in the thigh? Any advice if you have? I’m scared as shit!!!! If I don’t give myself this shot, I have to find someone at the conference to do it (and I really don’t feel like asking a stranger to come shoot me up in the rear)! Soooo… any advice on the thigh?


Denise said...

I wish I could give you some advice, but I've never done this. I effectively put my life on hold and refused to travel for work or otherwise because of this. Maybe not the smartest decision I've ever made. I know there are many women who have done these themselves, so I'm sure they'll give you their sage wisdom.

jp said...

I have done it myself a bunch of times. You don't have to twist around very far and the needle going in doesn't hurt. The only difference is when someone else does the shot they "pinch" to insert the needle and if you do it yourself, you just slide it in, since you really can't reach to pinch. Don't be scared, you can do it. The one thing you can do to convince yourself you can do it is to sit on bathroom counter and "pretend" while looking in the mirror so you can see it is physically possible. Good luck.

Azalea Baby said...

I've never done this before either, but the nurse told me that if I ever have to, to sit w/ the one hip up on the bathroom vanity so that you can twist around and see in the mirror and then reach around with one hand to stretch the skin and the other to insert the needle. Like I said, I haven't done this, but I just went and tried to get in the position and it seems somewhat possible. I guess if I absolutely had to do it, I could. It may be more on my outer hip than my butt upper quadrant. There's a website www.ivfshootemup.blogspot.com that has videos of people giving themselves PIO shots. HTH... good luck.

Maria said...

I wish I had some advice. I know tons of women who have done it before with using the bathroom mirror to do the shot in the rear. Good luck.

Nadine said...

I've never shot myself, but just want to wish you luck.

Jujube said...

I've never had to give myself a shot, but a friend of mine did and said it hurt like hell in the thigh. You might be better off twisting and injecting in the butt/hip area. Another idea, see if there is a nurse or someone in the area who can give you the shots while you are there. At my clinic in Fairfax, VA they had some ads up of nurses who provide that service. If your conference happens to be up here, let me know and I can get the info for you. If not, maybe you could try to find a fertility clinic and see if they know of someone who can give you the shots. And last suggestion, practice giving yourself the shot with DH around before Sunday. Good luck!!
-Jujube (8dp6dt)

~Carrie said...

I don't have any personal advice (never have have done a PIO shot on myself) but there is this blog:


It has video clips of every type of shot - including self-injections on the thigh and backside. (I have not actually viewed the videos because they are blocked here at work - I know, I know I should not be doing this at work!)