Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's a go..

Went this morning for the last u/s, bw before the ER. Everything is a go for Friday. They used a pen to make a big circle on the upper part of my rear end for the trigger shot tonight, at 11pm! DH is excited about using a bigger needle on me... i think he has far too much fun shooting me up. haha (just kidding!)

I am extremely nervous about the ER, especially because it's done in the clinic and I'm not put to sleep. So today I expressed my concerns and the nurse sat in the room with DH and I for a long time going through the whole process. The meds that I will be on are apparently so good that I won't even remember anything about the ER. That's all I needed to hear! I'll be awake, but out of it. They said I will sleep all day afterwards and Saturday I will have to ask DH about everything. He is going to be in the room with me.

Now I am EXCITED. Everything seems to be happening so fast now. The whole time we were discussing ET my eyes kept watering. Now I'm an emotional crazy woman who can't quit crying. At least it is a happy/excited cry for once. When we left, DH said that it is so exciting now. Things are really happening (how many times can we say that).


Azalea Baby said...

YEAAA!!! so excited for you. My eyes are tearing up as well. It's funny how DH's get all excited about stabbing us w/ needles. It's a little disturbing... but they have to have some "fun" in this i guess... good luck.

Maria said...

Wow, this is really exciting!! Things are really happening for you!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!

Denise said...

OH GOOD!!! I'm glad you got all your questions answered. Having more information always helps to qualm the anxiety. Good luck with trigger tonight and let us know how the retrieval goes Friday as soon as you are back online!

Rebecca said...

I'm glad you're so excited! I'm sure things will be fine for the ER and that you'll be completely out of it! That's always good! I'm sure that the hormones and being emotional to begin with are an interesting combination! Good luck with everything and keep us posted!

Nadine said...

YEA!!! Good luck tomorrow, i'll think lots of good thoughts for you.

Nadine said...

opps.. I'm an idiot - just realiaze it's today! Hope it went well.

Jen said...

Yay! Good luck with ER today!